Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Speaker Index:

[Info] Päällysaho, Pieta. »Sexual Violence and Subjectification in Euripides' HelenAncient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Page, Jamie. »Sexual assault and family feuding: A case from fifteenth-century Zurich.« Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History. Toronto 2016.

[Info] Pan, Keyao. »Locating Japan in Past and Present: The Issues of Human Rights, Asianism, and Gender As Seen through the Activism of Matsui Yayori.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Seattle 2024.

[Info] Panek, Jennifer. »Lavinia's Revenge: Rape, Shame, and Disgust in Titus AndronicusAnnual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Toronto 2019.

[Info] Panchasi, Roxanne. »What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France.« New Books in French Studies. New Books Network 2013.

[Info] Panoussi, Vassiliki. »From Adultery to Incest: Messalina and Agrippina as Sexual Aggressors in Tacitus' AnnalsComplex Inferiorities: An International Conference on the Poetics of the Weaker Voice in Latin Literature. Oxford 2014.

[Info] Panoussi, Vassiliki. »From Adultery to Incest: Women as Sexual Aggressors in Roman Literature.« Fall 2014 Meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States. Washington, D.C. 2014.

[Info] Panoussi, Vassiliki. »Rape, Ritual, and Trauma: Ovid's Philomela Reconsidered (Ovid's Metamorphoses 6.424-674).« Emotional Trauma in Greek and Roman Culture: Representations and Reactions. Delphi 2016.

[Info] Papakonstantinou, Nephele. »Gender-based sexual violence in Roman Declamation.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Parente, James. »The Allure of Chastity: Sexual Violence in German Reformation and Counter-Reformation Literature.« Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. Cleveland 2010.

[Info] Park, Seyoung. »Emily Jungmin Yoon's A Cruelty Special to Our Species and the Ethics of Lyric Testimony.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Park, You-me. »Gendering "Bare Life": Slavery, Comfort Women, and Sexual Violence.« 38th Annual Conference of the National Women's Studies Association. Baltimore 2017.

[Info] Park, You-me. »"Final and Irreversible": Neoliberal Temporality, Wednesday Demonstration, and Transnational Feminist Alliances.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Parker, Leah P. »Sexual Assault and Salvation in the Sermo Lupi ad Anglos54th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2019.

[Info] Parker, Louisa. »Autobiographical Content and the Legacy of Artemisia, or Why Should We Care If Someone Was Raped?« Comics Forum 2014. Leeds 2014.

[Info] Parkinson, Rhiannon. »The Complexity of Victimhood: Understanding Mass Rape in Occupied Germany.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Patzold, Steffen. »Die Lust des Herrscher: Bedeutung und Verbreitung eines politischen Vorwurfs zur Zeit Heinrichs IV.« Tagung des Konstanzer Arbeitskreises für mittelalterliche Geschichte e.V.. Insel Reichenau 2006.

[Info] Paul, Christa. »Zwangsprostitution von Mädchen und Frauen im Nationalsozialismus.« Zwangsprostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten Berlin 2004.

[Info] Paul, Christa. »Zwangsprostitution - staatlich errichtete Bordelle im Nationalsozialismus.« Lecture / Frauengruppe Zumutung RT/TÜ Tübingen 2006.

[Info] Pedersen, Alice. »Buried Histories, Excavated Stories: Sexual violence as global violence in Teju Cole's Open City.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Pedneault, Amelie. »Telling Rape Stories: Constructions of Victims, Offenders, and Risk in Law and Order SVU.« 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Peakman, Julie, int. »Libertine London: Sex in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis.« New Books in Sex, Sexuality, and Sex Work. New Books Network 2024.

[Info] Peek, Stephanie. »Addressing Sexual Assault through a Neglected Biblical Text.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Penn, Nigel. »Casper, Crebis and the Knegt: Rape, Homicide and Violence in the 18th century rural Western Cape.« Lecture / University of Cape Town. Cape Town 2013.

[Info] Pentinpuro, Enni. »Ill-Starred Beauty: The Sexualization of Dying Women in Roman Literature.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Peoples, Gabriel. »The Forgotten Kelly Dodson: The Non-Iconicity of Black Feminist Work.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Honolulu 2019.

[Info] Pérez-Rivera, Gloria C. »Reconciliation in the Aftermath of the Colombian Conflict: from Women Victims to Women Entrepreneurs.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Pergadia, Samantha. »Like I Was the Cow': Mammary Rape, Dairying, and Analogies of Sexual Violence in Beloved10th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present. New Orleans 2018.

[Info] Perkins, Anne G. »Before There Were Words: A Case Study of Campus Sexual Assault and Harassment in the Early 1970s.« 58th Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society. Albuquerque 2018.

[Info] Perry, Adele. »Sexual Scandal, Colonial Politics, and the Residential School: The Case of William Duncan.« 80th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Quebec City 2001.

[Info] Perry, Ashlie T. »Sexual Violence as Politics: Policy Implications of Sexual Violence as a Tactic of Armed Conflict.« 42nd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association. Boston 2010.

[Info] Perry, Ashlie T. »Sexual Violence as Politics: Policy Implications of Sexual Violence as a Tactic of Armed Conflict.« 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology. Istanbul 2011.

[Info] Person, Katarzyna. »The Language of Women’s Experience in Small Ghettos in Occupied Poland.« 56th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Virtual 2024.

[Info] Peters, Sarah L. »'Submitting to Another Way to Talk': Fantastical and Metaphorical Rape in Eudora Welty's The Golden Apples.« Lecture / Texas A&M University. College Station 2005.

[Info] Peters, Sarah L. »'Submitting to Another Way to Talk': Fantastical and Metaphorical Rape in Eudora Welty's The Golden Apples63rd Annual Meeting of the South Central Modern Language Association. Dallas 2006.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »A Broken Silence: Memory and Narrative of Rape Cases in Budapest and Vienna in 1945.« Lecture / Central European University. Budapest 1998.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »Social Role of Women after WWII: The Case of Sexual Violence during Wartime.« Violence and Normality: Approaches to a Cultural and Social History of Europe during the 1940s and 1950s. Marienheide 1998.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »A szovjet katonák által elkövetett nem erõszak esetek emlékezete Magyarországon.« Erkölcs és erkölcstelenség a háborúban. Budapest 2002.

[Info] Pető, Andrea, et al. »Using VHA for Teaching about Sexual Violence: Conceptual and methodological challenges.« Geschlecht und Erinnerung online. Berlin 2013.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »Sexual Violence: Historiography and Perspectives.« Intersections and Transitions: Studies on Sexual Violence and Beyond. Jyväskylä 2014.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »Sexual Violence during World War Two Remembered: Processes of "Unsilencing".« Europe's Violent Memories. Dublin 2014.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »Using VHA for Teaching about Sexual Violence: Experiences from a Hungarian perspective.« 'gendered voices' - Neue Perspektiven auf digitale Zeitzeug_innen-Archive. Freiburg 2014.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »Memory of Sexual Violence during WWII.« Sexual Violence from the Holocaust to the Contemporary Security Agenda. Copenhagen 2015.

[Info] Pető Andrea. »Processes of Silencing and Un-Silencing Sexual Violence during World War.« 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies. Philadelphia 2015.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »Breaking Gendered Silences: Lessons Learned from the Holocaust in Hungary and the Armenian Genocide.« Gender, Memory and Genocide: An International Conference Marking 100 Years Since the Armenian Genocide. Berlin 2016.

[Info] Pető, Andrea. »Memory politics of sexual violence committed by Red Army soldiers.« Lecture / Södertörn Högskola. Stockholm 2016.

[Info] Petruccelli, David. »The Samuel Lubelski White Slavery Trial of 1914: Human Trafficking, Migration, and National Difference at the Polish-German Border.« UVa Polish Lecture Series. Charlottesville 2016.

[Info] Petruccelli, David. »Migration und Verbrechen am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs: Der Fall Samuel Lubelski.« Lecture / Universität Wien. Vienna 2017.

[Info] Petruccelli, David. »The Samuel Lubelski White Slavery Trial of 1914: Prostitution, Trafficking, and National Difference at the Polish-German Border.« Perspectives on the history of 'prostitution' in East-Central Europe. Prague 2018.

[Info] Pierce, Karen F. »Sex, violence and graphics: Illustrating Helen.« Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017.

[Info] Pilzer, Joshua D. »Hearts of Pine: Songs in the Lives of Three Korean Survivors of the Japanese "Comfort Women".« Lecture / The Korea Society. New York 2012.

[Info] Pine, Lisa, et al. »Breaking the Silence: Gender and Genocide.« Lecture / The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide. London 2017.

[Info] Pinkowitz, Jacqueline. »'Rape and Race': Exposing/Exploiting Slavery's Monstrous Intimacies in Late 1960s and Early 1970s Slavery Exploitation Films.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018.

[Info] Pinkowitz, Jacqueline. »Television Rape, Female Sexual Precarity, and the Political Uses of the Past in OutlanderConsole-ing Passions. Bournemouth 2018.

[Info] Pintabone, Diane T. »The Incidental Rape in Ovid's Metamorphoses128th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. New York 1996.

[Info] Pipkin, Amanda C. »'As Amber Attracts Straw': Rape and Women's Power in the Seventeenth-Century Netherlands.« Lecture / State University of New York. Binghamton 2004.

[Info] Pipkin, Amanda C. »Subtextual Bodies Within a Male Corpus: Dutch Golden Age Women's Literary Responses to Threats of Rape.« 28th Annual Warren I. Susman Graduate History Conference. New Jersey 2006.

[Info] Pipkin, Amanda C. »Uses of Sexual Violence and Conceptions of Rapists in the Dutch Republic of the Seventeenth Century.« 6th European Social Science History Conference. Amsterdam 2006.

[Info] Pipkin, Amanda C. »Tyrants and Rapists: Stories of Rape and the Formation of Early Modern Dutch Identity.« 121st Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Atlanta 2007.

[Info] Pipkin, Amanda C. »Collecting Tales of Spanish Depravity: Sexual Violence and Dutch Identity, 1609-48.« 56th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Venice 2010.

[Info] Pipkin, Amanda »"It is only the tongue which brings so many maidens to fall": Dutch Golden Age Women's Perspectives on Rape and Marriage.« Sixteenth Century Society Conference. Montreal 2010.

[Info] Pipkin, Amanda »Rape in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Women's Writings.« Sixteenth Century Society Conference. San Juan 2013.

[Info] Piret, Bérengère, et al. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Justice in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960).« Historicising Rape. Cardiff 2015.

[Info] Piret, Bérengère, et al. »Historicizing Sexual Violence in Colonial Congo, between Legal and Social History: Rape, Consent and Colonial Courts in the Belgian Congo (1880-1960).« 23rd Annual Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians. Naples 2017.

[Info] Pitts, Jessica. »'For which oppression was swich clamour': Rape as a Queer Act in The Wife of Bath's TaleFlorida Atlantic University English Graduate Student Society Fall Conference. Boca Raton 2010.

[Info] Pitts, Jessica. »Male Rape and Loathly Ladies in The Wife of Bath's Tale and Robin Hood: Men in Tights49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2014.

[Info] Pitts, Jessica. »What a Man: False Rape Allegations and Contexts of Masculinity.« 40th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association. Atlanta 2014.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Suppression of the Traffic: White Slavery and the League of Nations, 1919-1936.« Con-IH 8. Cambridge 2008.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica. »White Slavery under J. Edgar Hoover's Bureau of Investigation: The Federal Policing of Interracial Sex under the Mann Act during the 1920s and 1930s.« 103rd Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Washington, D.C. 2010.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Beyond White Slavery: Policing Women and the Growth of the FBI, 1900-1941.« Lecture / Texas State University. San Marcos 2011.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Enforcing a Moral Quarantine: The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the White Slave Traffic Act of 1910.« 15th Berkshire Conference on Women's History. Amherst 2011.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The FBI's White Slave Division: The Creation of a National Regulatory Regime to Police Prostitutes in the United States, 1910-1917.« Fighting Drink, Drugs and Venereal Diseases: Global Anti-Vice Activism, ca. 1870-1940. Ascona 2012.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The White Slave Traffic Act: A Useable Past and the Deep Roots of Modern Day Slavery.« Gilder Lehman Center's 14th Annual International Conference. New Haven 2012.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The FBI's Local White Slavery Corps: The Fight Against Sex Trafficking and the Growth of the Associative State, 1910-1919.« Lecture / Yale University. New Haven 2013.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The Associative Surveillance State: The White Slave Division, 1910-1917.« Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. Arlington 2013.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Enforcing the White Slave Traffic Act: The FBI and Anti-Sex Trafficking Law Enforcement, 1910-1941.« Lecture / Harvard University. Cambridge 2013.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Protecting the Young and the Innocent: Age, Consent, and the Enforcement of the White Slave Traffic Act.« When is a Child a Slave? Children's Labor and Children's Rights, 1760-2014. An Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Storrs 2013.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Local Legal Cultures, the Spread of National Prostitution Policy, and the Mann Act.« American Studies in Transatlantic Perspective: Critical Regionalism in Politcs and Culture. Munich 2013.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »World War I, the FBI, and the Mann Act: The White Slave Officer and Camp MacArthur.« 79th Annual Meeting of the Southern History Association. St. Louis 2013.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Beyond White Slavery: The Enforcement of the Federal White Slave Traffic Act in the United States, 1910-1941.« Fourth European Conference on World and Global History. Paris 2014.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The FBI's War on the High-Handed and High-Living Vice Queens: Sex Trafficking and Elite Prostitution in Depression-Era New York City.« Sixteenth Berkshire Conference on Women's History. Toronto 2014.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R., et al. »"Policing Sexuality": The Mann Act And White Slavery.« The Source. Texas Public Radio 2014.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Saving White Slaves, Supervising Wives, & Policing Prostitutes: The FBI's Enforcement of the White Slave Traffic Act in America, 1910-41.« Lecture / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Munich 2014.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Beyond White Slavery: Policing Sexuality and the FBI.« Lecture / Ohio State University. Columbus 2015.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The FBI Investigates Interstate Sexual Violence: The Mann Act, 1910-1941.« Historicizing Rape. Cardiff 2015.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Lessons of Enforcement: The FBI, the White Slave Traffic Act, and 'Any Other Immoral Purpose'.« Historians Against Slavery Conference. Cincinnati 2015.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Lessons of Enforcement: The FBI, the White Slave Traffic Act, and "Any Other Immoral Purpose".« Trafficking, Smuggling, and Illicit Migration in Historical Perspective. London 2015.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The Long History of the International Anti-Sex Trafficking Movement.« 108th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. St. Louis 2015.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »White Slaves and Moral Borders: The Enforcement of Anti-Sex Trafficking Policy in the United States, 1904-1941.« Human Trafficking, Labor Migration, and Migration Control in Comparative Historical Perspective. Chicago 2015.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Mobilizing Against Trafficking: Transnational Feminist Coalitions against 'Consuming' Women's Bodies.« Forging Bonds Across Borders: Mobilizing for Women's Rights ad Social Justice in the 19th-Century Transatlantic World. Washington, D.C. 2016.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Protecting White Slaves or Policing Prostitutes? Sex Trafficking, the FBI, and the Mann Act, 1900-1941.« Sex, Gender, and the Carceral State. Boston 2016.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »The Marital Dimensions of White Slavery: Questions about Women's Mobility, Citizenship, and Sexuality in the Global Anti-Sex Trafficking Movement.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Moral Border Control: U.S. Compliance with International Anti-Sex Trafficking Policy during WWII.« 110th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. New Orleans 2017.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »A Moral Quarantine: The FBI's White Slave Division, 1910-17.« 131st Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Denver 2017.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica R. »Tracking the Traffic: The League of Nations' Investigations into Sex Trafficking.« 110th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. New Orleans 2017.

[Info] Pliley, Jessica. »The Limits of Feminism: Sex Workers' Rights and the Reemergence of Female Sexual Slavery, 1974-85.« 134th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. New York 2020.

[Info] Poe, Marshall, et al. »The Soviet Occupation of Germany: Hunger, Mass Violence and the Struggle for Peace, 1945-1947.« New Books in History. New Books Network 2014.

[Info] Pohlman, Annie. »Women and the Indonesian Killings of 1965-1966: Gender Variables and Possible Directions for Research.« 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. Canberra 2004.

[Info] Pohlman, Annie. »Testimonies of Sexualised Forms of Violence against Women during the 1965-66 Indonesian Massacres.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Chicago 2015.

[Info] Poitras-Raymond, Chloé. »Preserving Reputation: The Methodological Challenges of Erasure in Military Archives (WWII).« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Info] Polachek, Dora E. »The Ties That Bind and the Comedy of Rape in Marguerite de Navarre's «Heptameron».« Sixteenth Century Society Conference. Montreal 2010.

[Info] Pollack, Harriet. »'Before the Indifferent Beak Could Let Her Drop': Interrogating Comedies Of Rape In The Welty Canon.« 21st Annual Conference on American Literature. San Francisco 2010.

[Info] Pollack, Harriet. »Interrogating Rape in Welty's Fiction: 'The Burning'.« 22nd Annual Conference on American Literature. Boston 2011.

[Info] Pollin-Galay, Hannah. »How Yiddish Dealt with Sexual Violence in the Holocaust: From Pipels to Kuzinkes.« 56th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Virtual 2024.

[Info] Pon, Mona M. »'The Chinese Have an Absolute Craze for White Women': The Mythic Interracial Rape and its Courtroom Contrast.« 81rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Toronto 2002.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »In Kellern und auf Dachböden – Quellenprobleme bei der Erforschung feministischer Beratungsstellen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Kindern.« Nachwuchsworkshop des Arbeitskreises Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Regionalgruppe Nord. Hamburg 2022.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »Betroffenheit, Parteilichkeit, Wissenschaftlichkeit – Feministisches Wissen über sexualisierte Gewalt an Kindern, 1980-2010.« Lecture / Kolloquium Wissensgeschichte, Universität Konstanz. Konstanz 2023.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »Die Grenzen der Liberalisierung: Die Schutzalterdebatte bei der Sexualstrafrechtsreform und feministischer Widerspruch.« 4. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sexualitäten in der Geschichte. Berlin 2023.

[Info] Pope, Ruth. »Child Sexual Abuse: Contested Knowledge in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s.« Annual Conference of the German History Society. Manchester 2024.

[Info] Porret, Michel. »Indices et circonstances du viol: Le champ médico-légal des crimes sexuels dans la pratique judiciaire au temps des Lumiéres.« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe siècle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008.

[Info] Porter, Theresa, et al. »Perceptions of Evil from Abu Ghraib: Female Prison Guards and Sexual Violence.« Evil, Women and the Feminine. Dubrovnik 2015.

[Info] Pouzol, Valérie. »Déconstruire le concept de « pureté des armes » (Tohar ha Néchek): Les viols comme arme de guerre dans l'histoire du conflit israélo-palestinien (1948-1992).« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009.

[Info] Powell, Sadie. »Sexual Assault as a Weapon of Genocide: Gendered Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust.« 10th Annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education. Tacoma 2017.

[Info] Prensky, Mia. »Broken Shoes and Used Socks: The Burlesque of Child Rape in Lazarillo de TormesAnnual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Toronto 2019.

[Info] Presiado, Mor. »Representations of Rape and Sexual Abuse in Women's Holocaust Art from 1945 to the Present.« Women and the Holocaust. The Sixth International Conference. Givat Haim Ihud 2013.

[Info] Presiado, Mor. »Sexual Violence and Women's Art after the Holocaust.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Preston, Thomas. »Amalia Too: Kafka's Binnenerzählung of Systemic Sexual Abuse in Das SchlossForty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Prinsloo, Gert. »Family and Lived Space: Power, Gender, Abuse and Retaliation in Genesis 34.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Tartu 2010.

[Info] Provost, René. »Sexual violence in the context of genocide: Legislative history and recent jurisprudence.« Sexual Violence in the Context of the Holocaust, Genocide and War. Montreal 2018.

[Info] Puechguirbal, Nadine. »Les conséquences du viol au lendemain des conflits armés et son impact sur la réintégration sociale des victimes/survivantes au sein de leur communauté/société.« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009.

[Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence From National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« Annual Graduate Student Forum at the University of Delaware. Newark 2014.

[Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting rape by victims and third parties: Evidence from National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2014.

[Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence From National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« Powerful Partnerships: 20 Years of the Violence Against Women Act and the Path Ahead. Newark 2014.

[Info] Putnam, Lara E. »Sexual Violence and Scholarly Silence: Questions from Early 20th-Century Limón .« 137th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. San Francisco 2024.

[Info] Pyy, Elina, org. Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Pyy, Elina. »Prisoners of the Body: Ancient Myth and Sexual Trauma in 21st Century Screen Fiction.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.